
Letter from Ines, the jailed Venezuelan Twitterer

The following letter was written by Ines Gonzalez, a Venezuelan chemical engineer jailed for writing anti-government Twitter comments. Inés has been in jail at a location known as "The Helix" in Caracas, charged with "inciting hatred".

Ins Gonzalez prior to her arrest by 
the political secret police, the SEBIN

Individuals like Inés are arrested under trumped up charges and denied bail, nor are they put on trial. The regime follows the ancient Stalinist repression practices used by the Castro dictatorship, the idea is to pick off individuals and use their fate to terrorize the population.

"The Helix, July 10, 2015: 

To my dear and missed friends It has been over nine months since the repressive forces of the regime forced me to remain silent. 

However, it is time to send smoke signals from the lion's mouth: Inesita of his own hand writes; eternally grateful and touched by all forms of support and solidarity for my sake and that of all political prisoners

The Bible tells me that all our torturers and inquisitors have their reward, only God is the eternal power, and the true fatherland is made up of those of us who are persecuted and fettered.

Ideas can not be locked up in a cell. Here I  am freer than the prosecutor who jailed me, because true freedom is the absence of fear of the consequences. True freedom is to obey reason and a clear conscience ... Everything else is an illusion of stability.

Written word transcends time, connects us with the great minds of the past and allows us to leave testimony of our struggles to succeeding generations. So the regime is more afraid of the word than of lead bullets.

Those who feel they have no hope in this country, fear the  disaster that Maduro wants to impose, should  become your own sun to give luster to your lives. This nightmare will end. Thank you for not forgetting. I love you. 
Ines Gonzalez"
So what did the regime see in this girl? What did she write? She poked fun at Robert Serra, the Chavista who was murdered in Caracas, in a pretty ugly murder (see my post "Two strange murders in Caracas") , and she wrote a tweet saying the protests weren't going to stop the regime, that it was necessary to "lock down the country", meaning it was necessary to call a general strike. In her final days she also wrote the state political police (the KGB clone, known as SEBIN) had been trying to scare her.



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