"Brother Java" is now in
charge of coffee production
(Paul Fraughton/The Salt Lake
I thought the criticism was harsh, and it also missed wide off the mark. As far as I could see Dr. Tol was trying to be diplomatic in a formal meeting with high level British government types. I bet he even dressed up...
Dr. Richard Tol wearing a tie
So here´s what I wrote...
"I first started reading seriously about this subject
about 5 years ago. It didn´t take me long to realize there were mutiple debates
being waged in several interelated fields (“climate science”, “engineering”,
“statistics”, “economics”, and
“politics” come to mind). I also found there were labels being used which I found
really confusing. For example, I read some were using the term “climate
denial”. However, when I dug into the meaning of this term I realized the
proper term was closer to “skepticism about ANTHROPOGENIC warming” (the US
military would use the acronym SAAW).
Why do I bring this up? Because the debate ought to be
centered on the word anthropogenic. I don´t think anybody denies the climate
exists. However, there sure is plenty of argument going on over the
anthropogenic part.
Now let´s move to persuasion. Decision makers, bosses, and higher ups come into those fancy
conference rooms knowing they are smarter than we are, and that they happen to
be on top because they know much more about almost every subject about to be
discussed. Therefore a frontal attack on their belief structures and opinions
is completely useless. Try it a few times and you will not get invited into
that conference room at all, and if you keep trying it in real life you´ll be performing studies about the impact of tropical cyclones
on the Haitian mango industry.
So what is this about? I´m not on any side. I happen
to think everybody is wrong. So I have to thread really carefully so nobody
gets mad at me, and this means you are now being treated like those higher ups
I used to convince to do what I wanted
to do by always, always using extreme care when dealing with them."
This global warming subject sure is fascinating, isn´t it? From forest fires to droughts to energy sources and these debates, it has a bit of everything for everybody...
Worker at Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Plant, Japan
Climate activists are playing a very important role in the fight against global warming. Some, like Al Gore, the loser of the 2000 USA presidential election, won a Nobel Peace Prize for his relentless activities in favour of future global cooling. Others write in their blogs, and others are anomymous groups who create artistic tableaus to fight CO2 emissions....
Climate activists freezing their rear ends (from Spiegel.de)
Anyway, if you are interested in reading more about this subject, here´s a link to the comment by Cindy Baxter:
Cindy Baxter tears into Dr. Tol at Demosblog.com
Here´s a note Dr. Tol wrote in his blog
Richard Tol tears into the IPCC
Here´s Anthony Watts gloating because Tol tore into the IPCC
Anthony Watts laughs happily
And for the sake of balance here´s something at HotWhopper about Tol
Hotwhopper Weirdness
My next post ought to be about the Japanese civil war.
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