The Rabbet legend begins with a
delightful children’s blog about an orphan rabbit named Ebenezer – a
bunny with a magical destiny. This
rabbit is credited with doing more for scientific literacy than any other blogging animal on
the planet.
Rabbits are very common in amusement parks and petting zoos, but I interviewed Ebenezer Rabbet at his office in the posh California mansion he had purchased, using the cash he gets from Yingli Green Energy for pushing solar energy.
Rabbit with portable computer bag
Rabbits are very common in amusement parks and petting zoos, but I interviewed Ebenezer Rabbet at his office in the posh California mansion he had purchased, using the cash he gets from Yingli Green Energy for pushing solar energy.
Fernando: So, this is the first time we’ve met.
Rabbet: Yes, it is.
Fernando: And my sources tell me that your real
name isn´t really Ebenezer.
Rabbet: (laughing) Yeah.
Fernando: Ebenezer is…
Rabbet: Is
just the nom de plum – well, it’s because my agent, when my first blog post came out, thought ‘this is a blog that will appeal to autistic males between the ages of 30 and 70’ but they didn’t want
the guys to know a rabbit was writing it. So he said to me ‘could I use your real
name but tell them you´re a college professor’ and I said ‘fine’. But I only have
one name. Just use something similar - use Ebenezer.
Fernando: Ebenezer, that´s it.
Rabbet: Yeah.
Fernando: You fooled the guys for a while.
Rabbet: Yeah, not for too long.
Fernando: Not for too long.
Rabbet: Yeah – because I started getting my
picture in the press and no one could pretend I was a man anymore. It´s the
ears, they´re way too long.
Fernando: Yes – and I don’t think the guys have
Rabbet: No – it hasn’t held me back, has it?
Clearly not held me back. They don´t really care if I´m just a rabbit. I don´t need a college degree to write a blog. And I´ve done a lot to reduce rabbit hunting. To me it´s
cannibalism, if you don´t mind me saying so.
Fernando: Not a bit. I´m not into shooting small game. So you thought your blog would be particularly stimulating. That’s
why you started it?
Rabbet: Well, it turned out to be stimulating. I had to find me a new gig. There I was,
living in a cage, trying to write a book, ¨The Lapse Rate in Tibet¨. But I
couldn´t finish it. The dogs were barking, and I couldn´t work, and this light-bulb went on over my head and I
thought ‘I can just write a blog´. For
years and years and years I tried to write that damned book. But I couldn´t. I would go to a café and sit, and think about atmospheric circulation and shit
like that. People thought I was a dude wearing a rabbit outfit. So I decided to start a blog.
Fernando: You have a lot of things in common
with other bloggers. You write short posts and stick photos and shit…
Rabbet: Yeah. Let me tell you, the first day’s
writing went well so I kept at it. And eventually I became famous after I wrote
“What is grass” in November 2005. The potheads thought it was about marihuana
and I got a zillion hits.
Fernando: We have a lot of things in common. My
blog had 23 hits after I wrote “Bill Fisher´s Penguin”.
Rabbet: Yeah. Amazing, isn´t it? I bet they
thought it was about a Batman sequel. The internet is full of really naive readers.
I like that.
Fernando: First of all you know this is the
last animal interview I’m doing. Next week I will go down a level and do more politicians. I want to do
Netanyahu for sure.
Rabbet: That´s going to be huge. Netanyahu is Jewish. That´s going to bring a lot of Zionists to your blog.
Fernando: Good. But let´s remember Zionism isn´t Judaism. Most Republicans are Zionists and eat ham. So let´s get started with the
controversial material…what´s your blog´s aim?
Rabbet: Anyhow, initially I was going to write
science stuff. But then I realized that was pretty boring. So I decided to turn
radical. I point out the wrongness in ways designed to grab readers’ attention
— with ridicule where appropriate, with snark, and with names attached. This
will get read; it will get you some devoted followers, and a lot of bitter
Fernando: Good. But you realize it´s hopeless.
We all die.
Rabbet: You know – I cry, but I’m not someone
who can sort of keep crying going. You know what I mean? I prefer to vent writing
about climate disasters – I can do floods for hours.
Fernando: I seem to recall you wrote crap about
Rabbet: Yeah, I did. Bjorn Lomborg and the
ignorati from the Breakthrough Institute and yet others are crocadiling about
how Africa needs coal to generate electricity, never mind that right now the
majority of the countryside and small villages would do better with solar or
Fernando: I seem to recall most of Africa isn´t
well suited for wind. Did you know that?
Rabbet: Well, that’s a really good point, but I
– I wrote about wind power being a better
choice for Africans…. (tugs on his ear and looks a bit worried).
Fernando: All is well. I won´t tell anybody.
Rabbet: ‘All is well’, yeah.
Fernando: But you know what happens if the
Congolese put up a wind mill outside Kinshasa? That thing will barely turn.
Rabbet: Yeah, I do. But I couldn’t stop the
idea. I don’t think you can when you’ve been writing that material for so many
years. One of these days I need to look up one of those maps showing wind power
potential… to find out what goes on, you know.
Fernando: Will you?
Rabbet: I’m not going to say I won’t. To be
honest, I don’t think I will. I love writing posts about wind power in Africa.
I love writing it. Besides, I feel I am doing a good turn for humanity.
Fernando: Tell me: did you ever feel that you
had to succumb to the pressure? Look up the material before you write about it?
Rabbet: Yeah. In the beginning I did. I can say that now because I’m free of it. But
now the words flow real easy. It´s just a blog. Like: “Any bunny serious,
rather than self serving, would look at this and figure out that developed
societies, if they wished to help the underdeveloped, would help them set up
solar, wind, or hydro on minigrids.” See? It has rhythm. Look, I’d been told repeatedly that it wasn’t very commercial because it was too
scientific. So – and I went for the ring – now
I feel like a Beatle.
Fernando: That’s such a great analogy. Ebenezer
sure beats Ringo.
Rabbet: But there were – except there were four
Beatles – I don´t suppose they would want a 2 meter tall rabbit playing in the
band. It would have been so amusement-parkish.
Fernando: I hear you made a global warming bet.
Rabbet: I need temps to increase .13C/decade
over the 2005-2009 baseline to win one bet and not lose/void the other one, and
.18C/decade to win both.
Fernando: The betting line says you are shit out of luck.
Rabbet: Yeah. Okay. But you never know. Maybe
the sun will flare up and cook half the planet (sighs).
Fernando: You know the Sun doesn´t influence
the climate that much. You should know, you´ve been writing all sorts of crap about Dr. Soon…
Rabbet: Yeah. Writing about Soon is a real
stand-out moment for me. I mean I knew it was getting big – in that there was
press attention and so-on – but at that point – that for me was the real – that
was when it felt Beatlesque. But you know,
this Soon character….from many sources, it is well known that science
obfustication has been well funded by industries who have found research
conclusions uncomfortable. And then there´s tobacco. The economists
consistently forgot to mention they were paid by the Tobacco Institute. I like
to mix the two subjects. Tobacco and Global Warming. I knew only some of the
tobacco issues and very little about flame retardant, so how that ties to
climate is definitely worth watching.
Fernando: But don´t you think the Grijalva
letter was a bit too much? Isn´t it a witch hunt?
Rabbet: Well, you know what Soon did…to only reveal
non-controversial funding while consistently failing to reveal his fossil fuel
funders further reinforces the conclusion that the omission was deliberate.
Those coal companies sure are dodgy. But Grijalva is a do you get solar panel manufacturer
Rabbet: Well....didn’t you know?
Fernando: No, I don´t know. I´m just fishing.
Rabbet: Part of me wishes it were true. I sure
could use the cash, the electric bill is killing me. I´m reduced to buying
Chilean carrots.
Fernando: I think we should change the subject.
I´m not into pushing conspiracy theories. So did you like the Merchants of Doubt?
Rabbet: Yeah. It´s really popular, you know.
Fernando: I see it gets “50 out of the 57 who
saw it liked it” at Rotten Tomatoes.
Rabbet: Yeah. I´m hoping more people see it
soon, though. Maybe it´s going to get the Oscar.
Fernando: Wow. That would make Gore really
Rabbet: Yeah.
Fernando: What about the fossil fuel divestment
campaign? Are you selling your oil stocks?
Rabbet: Well, the thing is you’ve got to sort
out which fund has the oil stocks, and which doesn´t. Turns out all of them own
oil stocks. So I´m invested against my will. It´s the way my retirement plan
Fernando: Yes. I bet you would love to have a
vault full of carrots.
Rabbet: You know – I do have one. But one has to
diversify, and carrots rot. But I do like writing about divestment. Obviously,
the boys from Alberta are up against it with oil where it is, and if oil goes
up, then they are up against it from renewables. The Keystone demos were/are basically a
holding action until the market woke up.
Bloomberg figures there is something like a trillion in stranded
Fernando: Is it true, but Bloomberg says the future market indicates that it´s just – temporary. And now there´s a lot more heavy oil
coming in from Canada. Up 20 % in 90 days.
Rabbet: Yeah, contango. I think this is all a conspiracy by the Saudis to kill renewables. That is – that’s true. Hell. And
I went to six Keystone protests. It´s hopeless.
Fernando: It´s called market pull.
Plus the Canadian oil will displace Venezuelan crude.
Rabbet: I know. That´s got to have President Maduro
Fernando: Did you hear the rumor, the
Venezuelan regime pays off to have anti pipeline propaganda, to help their oil
corner the Houston market?
Rabbet: No. That´s a conspiracy theory.
Fernando: That´s on Twitter. I wrote it myself.
Rabbet: I wrote compulsively on Twitter, but
it´s not like a blog. But you got to be kidding, me, the Venezuelans aren´t
that sophisticated. That Maduro is a retard.
Fernando: I know. Plus he likes to torture people. But he has a French advisor. They´re very shifty, the French. Well, it looks like we´re out
of time. Any more comments?
Rabbet: I do!
Fernando: Go ahead, make my day.
Rabbet: Russel Seitz said: “Fortunately, there
exists a training video to prepare audiences for any climate video running
longer than 90 seconds or expressing sincere belief in more than three
existential threats.” What do you think about it?
Fernando: Typical Seitz. But I don´t watch those climate videos describing existential threats. I like happy endings.
Rabbits, Sr. Fernando?
ResponderEliminarYou have no idea.
Russell, that link was pretty good. I confess it inspired me, so I decided to carry out an experiment to see what a high temperature environment did to rabbits. I went to the supermarket, bought a rabbit, put in on a pan, daubed it with salt and garlic, cut up onions and red peppers and baked it for two hours. When the rabbit looked well done I pulled it out, took the onions, the red peppers and the rabbit grease and tossed it all in a blender. This results in a reddish looking purée one can pour over the rabbit and serve with white rice. It's pretty good. The experiment also confirmed a high temperature environment renders a dead rabbit much more edible.
EliminarNow I'm running a parallel experiment, I'm measuring sea level rise. The data shows that, in 300 years, my apartment will be 150 meters closer to the sea.