
Castro dictatorship withdraws personnel from Brazil

Brazil's President-elect Jair Bolsonaro announced he would take measures to change contract terms between Brazil and the Castro dictatorship for medical services. As a result the dictatorship announced it would be withdrawing from the contract. 

I applaud Bolsonaro's measure, because the working conditions of Cuban medical personnel are terrible. Not only are they paid a miserable salary, but they are also not allowed to take the family (nor can the family visit them, since they are left behind as hostages). The Cuban regime, with Brazilian cooperation, take away their documents to make it difficult for them to escape from that system, and Cuban security personnel controls their contacts with the local population. The system seen in Brazil is typical of those used by a communist country which can be considered a gigantic gulag, with a slave people subject to the irrational whims of a corrupt Marxist oligarchy.

1 comentario:

  1. i met 2 Cuban operatives, at least one Cuban doctor told me they were. it is amazing how well they blend in, how they seem the most harmless people you ever met.
